Weanarisch Wiad Wödsproch im World Wide Web


Des Kommittee zua Vabreitung des Weanarischn ois Woedsproch praesentiat:

Das Kommitee zur Verbreitung des Wienerischen als Weltsprache praesentiert:

The Committee for the Expansion of Viennese as the new World Language presents:

El grupo para la expansion de Viennes como nuevo idioma del mundo presenta:

Le comit'e pour l'expansion de la langue de vienne comme langue du monde pr'esen te:

Weanarisch Wiad Wödsproch
im World Wide Web

For those of you who don't speak the new world language yet, please read this.

It is a phrase book which will help you become acquainted with some of the more important things you should learn to say in Viennese, such as "What are you doing tonight?" and "Your place or mine?" This phrase book is an essential guide for any American who plans to visit Austria. It will also improve your social life.

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